ASAP contract’s documentation!#

Last Updated on 2023-07-14

Welcome! This is the documentation for the asap-contract 1.0.2 project.

This project uses the asap integrated build system and follows its documentation framework and development workflow.

Parts of the documentation#

Module: contract#

start here to understand the classes provided by the library and how to use them to write contract checks in your code.

Module: contract-ut#

start here to understand how to unit test contract checks even when your unit testing framework does not support death tests.

Developer Guides#

head over to the `asap` project documentation for detailed guides on how to build and maintain the different targets in this project.

Project Tools#

get an introduction to the programs and scripts under the `tools` folder, specifically made for the `asap` project. These can simplify recurring tasks and provide additional insights into the project, and sometimes examples of how to use the project artifacts.


This documentation uses the theme provided by the Executable Books Project Project.